Love Adroll? Want to learn how to use Adroll with WordPress?

Adroll is a popular tool to help you setup, launch, and manage retargeting campaigns across the web. Since more people now use WordPress, it makes sense to figure out how to use Adroll with WordPress.

But, before that…

Now, the trick is to build an audience on adroll, whether or not you choose to launch retargeting campaigns right away. Because, when you actually choose to launch campaigns, whenever that is going to be, your audience is ready for you.

This helps you two ways:

1. when you do want to launch a campaign, your audience is ready and waiting for you. This saves you from the trouble of starting from scratch.
2. It’s your audience, you worked hard to get these visitors to your website. Audience building on adroll is the least you could do to keep track of those visitors.

Ideally, you should have started building your audiences the day you launch your website or when you use landing pages for any sort of a digital marketing campaign.

To setup and activate your adroll account, create an account and login to adroll. Give your account an easy name to remember and typically your brand name or website name.

If you have multiple brands or websites that you’d manage, click on the little gear icon on the top right corner to add other brands or websites.

Adroll calls these as “advertiser profiles”.

To setup adroll with your website, you’d look for this prompt the moment you sign in. Click on the link given and the pixel will pop up.

Copy the pixel.

Now, head out to your WordPress website. Login, look for appearances, editor, and then look for the “header file” of whatever wordpress theme you might be using.

Inside the template header file, go to this section within the “head” section of the code. Copy and paste the adroll pixel here.

By doing this, you are essentially tracking every page on your WordPress website.

If you are not using WordPress and if you are using say, Wix, Weebly, the process is similar, except that you might have to copy and paste the pixel multiple times on each page (this is true for straight forward HTML websites).

It’d take about 24 hours for Adroll to detect that the pixel is working.

Once you know it’s working, it’s time for your lovely audience to build up.

When you are ready, you can launch retargeting campaigns to specific audiences that you’d build up.

Hope this helps. Please subscribe to our channel and let us know how your retargeting campaigns work for you.

Stay profitable. Go make some money.


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