No one likes to write on ball bearings or household cleaning products. But all businesses need content marketing and here’s how to create content for boring industries

Boring Industries seem and appear boring because content writing seems to have a shift towards working for the “exciting industries” like SaaS, technology, FinTech, finance, or Cryptocurrency.

I call bullshit on that.

There ain’t such a thing as a “boring Industry” and if you are in the tech space, manufacturing machine parts, selling alloys, promoting bearings, or even selling coal wholesale, creating content for boring industries is just the same as creating content for the apparently “exciting” niches.

The first step to creating content for a boring industry is acknowledging that you don’t have the same audience as most other industries.

You do have an audience, though; it’s just different. However, all the principles of Inbound marketing apply. The best practices work just as well for a diesel engine parts retailer as it does for a business in Fintech space.

You will need to find your audience and speak directly to them in order make them interested. Make sure that you are using keywords that they would search for on Google, but also be sure not to use jargon or technical terms.

Here are some awesome ways to create content for boring industries (and I still don’t know why you keep thinking it’s “boring” and I keep writing about it) 👇

Content Creation Is Business As Usual

Set your digital marketing in motion, which is in effect:

  • Blogging on a schedule (with a dual focus on making content interesting while simultaneously striving to rank on search engines). It’s an art and not everyone can do that.
  • Product descriptions for each of your products or services
  • Creating content assets such as PDF downloads (in addition to product brochures and other marketing collateral you already have) and making them available for download (for lead generation)
  • Managing your presence on social media
  • Sending out email campaigns to nurture your leads
  • Pushing data into your CRM and managing leads, customers, and the relationships as such.

These are Inbound marketing best practices that every business should follow. No exceptions.

Create Case Studies

The kind of audience you have, they are smart. They are intelligent. They are also purpose-driven, busy, and have no time to go through the fancy thoroughfare that web content usually is.

But they are still human, and they like stories.

Creating case studies for your business is an incredible way that fires off multiple benefits for your business.

  1. It’s social proof built-in. The fact that a customer benefited from your product or service is a great way to start with some solid social proof (more than what a testimonial or a random tweet can do for your business, if you know what I mean?).
  2. You get to relay stories (if you write it that way) and captivate the interest of your collective audience.
  3. You have a chance to prove how your services or products really help customers (and they want to know how it works)
  4. Your case studies double up as downloadable lead magnets (which you can use for lead generation)

Initiate the first date; Generate Leads

As established earlier, the audience you attract are going to be different. However, it’s still an audience (and this applies to all sorts of businesses — from B2C to B2B to D2C or whatever).

Your aim should be to create content with the intention of doing multiple things at once:

  • Inspire, educate, establish authority, build credibility, and inform. On a continuous basis.
  • Open doorways for an initial trust vote: do that by letting your prospective customers get a sample of what you do by downloading PDFs, eBooks, industry reports, checklists, videos, and more. Maybe you offer a demo, a consulting call, a proper appointment over zoom: ask for it.
  • Generate leads by using tools like Unbounce Popups, LeadPages, OptinMonster, or any others that you’d like to use.

Deploy, Analyze and track

After you start creating content (for your so called boring industry), start measuring the impact you are making.

What kind of traffic are you getting? How many of those visitors sign up as leads? If your business requires an actual demo or an appointment with a decision-making authority, how many of those goals are being accomplished?

Use Google Analytics or any other analytics tools to measure your progress.

What kind of content do you create?


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