How do you use Quora for traffic? How do you get more followers on Quora? How can I get more exposure on Quora? These are all questions you have on your mind when you first join Quora.

Thankfully, some of the most effective strategies to getting your content seen and shared by others (and hence to get traffic and to drive sales and conversions) are also some of the simplest ones.

Why use Quora, you ask? According to Andrei Cucleschin of Search Engine Watch, Quora as a sweet DA of 91 (which only means that it’s wildly favoured by Google and Quora questions along with answers almost always show up on search).

More than 64% of Quora users originate from Google searches.

Quora Statistics, With a Difference

Quora isn’t Google or Facebook. Quora, with more than 300+ million users (3/4ths of them visiting and browsing the site on mobile) are hungry for answers. This should be obvious given the time they spend reading answers and writing questions.

As the team at FoundationInc points out, more than 54% of users on Quora have an average disposable income of more than $100,000 per year, more than 65% of them have a college degree, and adults spend 2X time on Quora than they do on LinkedIn.

Business that use Quora as their content strategy mainstay have seen around 4X more results,

The problem, you ask? Everyone knows everything. How do you stand out? How will your make your hard work pay off when you wonder how to get traffic from Quora?

That’s when you go back to basics. To what it should have been. To tap into the power of humanity.

How to Get Traffic From Quora: The Content Strategy That Works (& It Takes Work)

Quora is an online question-and-answer platform where users can ask questions, answer them and provide discussion. You are allowed to edit their answers if you change your mind, or want to add more information as well as to favorite the post for later reference.

It’s a great place not only for getting help but also for pushing your thoughts, ideas, strategies, and insights directly to people looking for specific information.

People Want to Hear from Real People

Quora is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms in recent years, and it’s easy to see why.

Customers don’t trust brands as much as they trust real people.

Even brands who succeed on Quora tend to have real people fuelling the content, manning the conversations, answering questions, and asking questions.

Quora has its own quirky charm that makes it attractive for people looking to broaden their knowledge or just want a chat with like-minded individuals about any topic they choose.

So, Quora isn’t really about showing a simple ad (although you do have a Quora Paid Advertising)

It can be frustrating at times seeing the same question (or related questions) pop-up all the time. If you are responsible for creating answers for people question ask, you’ll often see questions repeating themselves. Besides that, Quora is still worth your time and effort (there’s also Reddit, but we’ll tackle it later).

Since we got this out of the way, here’s how to use Quora to get traffic, make an impact, and to help aid your conversions and sales (but this is not where you start at).

Create a powerful (& simple Quora Profile)

Before you think you got it figured out, remember this: People want to connect with people. So, take the time out to create a solid profile first (with your name, your title or credentials, and your photo showing up).

If you are representing your own brand, it’s fine to use your logo (but I won’t recommend it. It’s best to show your face). Just case you do use a business logo, be sure to add credentials as to what you do (or who you are) in association with the brand.

Only 50-odd characters show up above answers (and this includes your name). Make it count.

In the actual profile section though, write to make yourself stand out from other users. You don’t have to write an essay, but try to be as personable as possible.

  • State who you are and what makes you, “you”. Also include what makes you the authority in the topic you mainly write about. You can add images, videos, and links inside your “about” section. Use it to your advantage.
  • Add a Call-to-action inside your About section: Give away something for free, have people download a PDF, link to one of your landing pages, and more. Don’t lose this opportunity to generate leads.
  • Add and edit credentials: Quora allows you to show “credentials” while you answer questions. You can have a default credential and you can also edit/add credentials on the fly (while answering questions). Users see this. All the time.

Pick a topic cluster. Answer to the best of your ability

On Quora, you don’t want to be everywhere. There are more than 400,000+ topics on Quora alone (people talking about all of that stuff, ranging from “absolute crap” to “pure gold”).

Depending on your business or your interests to make Quora work for your business, you might not want to be anywhere near the usual chitter chatter on Quora.

Instead, you want to be where the action is. How do you know where that might be? You could ask someone who’s been on Quora a long time and knows what topics are popular or not as much so in any given topic cluster…

Look for questions that have a high follower count. Spend time & energy on those high-follower count (and well-trafficked questions).

Follow Authors (& For All the Good Reasons)

Just writing and posting content on Quora can only do so much for you. The real power on Quora (and hence the maximum impact) really comes from people taking time to answer questions or those that ask questions. After you choose your topic clusters, be sure to also follow authors who are active on topic clusters.

Find authors: You’ll find authors who write or answer questions in your niche while you casually browse on Quora. Or when you search for topics your business relates to on Quora.

Quora also helps pinpoint top authors on any topic if you ever try to post a “question” on Quora. Make a quick note of each of these top authors (maybe you can also use a Spreadsheet with profile links).

You’ll see why below…

Outreach on Quora [without intent]

There are just a few steps to do meaningful and effective outreach. Think of this as cultivate a network or assets to help you with your business later.

By now, you already know people on Quora who are actively answering questions on (or related to) topics that your business is all about.

You’ve identified some of the top authors on Quora (you also have their names, their profile links, and you are following them so you can always stay updated with their activities).

Now, it’s time to do some outreach (Please, don’t ruin like all those SEO types who’ve already ruined it to kingdom come).

  • Say hello (but don’t ask for anything at all). Just. Say. Hello.
  • Congratulate them, give them a compliment, or thank them.
  • Ask them if they need anything.
  • Follow up
  • Strike when time comes and when it’s appropriate

Instead of selfishly seeking out “opportunities”, it pays a lot when you just give. It’s the good old thing we humans should be doing anyway.

Build Real Relationships

Building relationships applies to all of social media (most individuals and businesses just don’t bother with this though). Building relationships also matters on Quora.

As you do outreach on Quora, you’ll have people responding to you (some might not, but it’s ok).

After you follow relevant authors and after reaching out without intent, it’s time to follow all the social selling best practices (without any selling, really).

At this stage, keep the relationship going: like and share their content on Quora itself. Send in messages thanking them for their insights. Go out of your way to maybe add some more information to what they already posted. Answer their questions. Comment below their answers.

Your time will come. Make the Move

Here’s the beauty of this particular strategy (and there’s nothing strategic about it except that this is what everyone should be doing instead of chasing links, sales, and leads all the time).

Love flows both ways. You’ll have some of those authors checking you out, mentioning your brand, pointing out to your products in their Quora Answers, or maybe even blogging about you.

It’s these little things that’ll have a compounding effect if you did this long enough.

I know that I didn’t tell you any juicy secrets at all. You’ve known this all along (it’s just that you went chasing fancy strategies).

It’s time to get back and tap into the power of the fabric of humanity.

Use Quora Ads to Boost Efforts

With more than 300 million+ users, Quora ads holds potential. Maybe it’ll work even better than Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads (if your business is the right fit and if you follow a Quora Paid Ads strategy coupled with landing pages and sales funnels).

Before you get into Quora Ads, do this

None of this will work if you don’t use the Quora Pixel (including learning how to get traffic from Quora), you should add the Quora Pixel. Learn how to do that with the handy video below:

Interested in running ads for Quora? Would you like to identify the best ways to scale up your reach on Quora, or to generate leads or drive sales? Get the Quora Ads course now.


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