Audiences are everything when it comes to your PPC campaigns (it holds good for your Facebook Campaigns, Google Ad Campaigns, LinkedIn Campaigns, and also for Quora Advertising Campaigns).

Without audiences, you are literally shooting in the dark. You don’t know who you are targeting, you have no control on your PPC campaigns, and you’ll only drain your ad budget before concluding that it won’t work for you.

When it comes to Quora Advertising, it’s important to get traffic to your website first so that you have an opportunity to create laser targeted, smart, and effective campaigns that’ll work for your business.

As Joe Martinez of WordStream writes, you’ll have an opportunity to know the population of your own audiences who are also on Quora. Plus, you’ll have an opportunity to build custom audiences (based on traffic or by loading the Quora Pixel on specific pages).

You’ll also be able to “list match” your audiences, build lookalike audiences on top of existing audiences, and so much more by just uploading the Quora Pixel properly.

Watch this video to learn how to add the Quora Pixel

Sign up for my Quora Ads Course to learn several other ways to create pixels (including pixels for Lead Gen, other kinds of pixels, sales funnels, and strategies to make Quora Ads Work).

On top of everything else, it’s important to note that Quora advertising is contextual advertising. Your ads show up on pages that have people discussing burning questions that relate to your business.

Of course, you also have the option of actually writing out thoughtful answers on Quora first and then use the “Quora Promoted Answers” ad unit to promote your answer (instead of an ad).

Quora Advertising holds promise. But then, it won’t work if you don’t put in the effort first.

Need help? Get my course on Quora Ads

Watch this video to learn more about what you need to do before you jump into Quora Advertising:


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