Quora is growing fast, and it’s unique in its own way. Quora is a gentle version of Reddit and it’s much more easier than ever to get some social footprint on Quora today. With over 300+ million daily users, Quora is incredible when it comes to getting you the results you seek.

Your results, meanwhile, could be anything:

  • Help grow your email list?
  • Get people to sign up for your offers?
  • Have new customers sign up for a free trial?
  • Driving traffic to your website, landing pages, or to other web properties you own?

Want to learn how to use Quora Ads to get traffic, generate leads, and make sales? Get my Quora Ads course now.

Here’s an infographic designed by Kissmetrics which helps explain the anatomy of Quora

the wonderful world of Quora
Designed by KISSmetrics Web Analytics

Earlier, I published a post on SmartHustle on How to Use Quora to Generate Traffic, Credibility, and More Business Using Quora

Quora just kicks ass when it comes to getting you want for your business.

Make your Quora Profile Count

On Quora, you’ll basically be answering a lot of questions if you hope to drive any sort of traffic to any of your web pages or to even build authority (just like it is when you have to use any particular online forum).

For building credibility and authority, you’ll need a Quora profile. As you answer questions, it’s your Quora profile that’s going to be eventual destination people are going to visit and check you out at.

Create a strong profile and start off writing as an individual — while you mention your company and how you are associated with it. Write a strong, verb-ridden introduction of who you are.

Quora allows you to upload logos, images, and other media to your profile so make the best use of it.

You can see how I created my profile below.

Quora Profile

Note that I also use my profile section to point to any new offers I am making if I want my visitors and Quora followers to take some action.

Quora allows this on your profile section, and you should take advantage of it.

Answer 5 Questions, Per day

The more you answer on Quora, the more your profile is viewed. You can’t be random about answering and you can’t just show up one fine day and answer questions (that’s just too spammy for Quora).

The best approach — with the interest of your time and the underlying effort — is to just answer 5 questions per day. The questions you choose to answer should in the niche that your business relates to or the offer you are making.

In my case, if I wanted to promote my freelancing course, I’d go out and answer some questions others are asking on the topics of freelancing, Upwork, Freelancer, Guru, and others.

But then, if I wanted to send some traffic to my digital marketing agency website, I’d be answering questions on digital marketing, digital marketing strategy, etc.

So, pick your niche, and answer five questions per day.

Don’t give away the farm

Some people on Quora have a nasty habit of giving away way too much information. You don’t have to do that (plus, it saves you considerable time and effort).

When people ask questions that relate to your business, go out and answer to a certain extent and don’t give away too much information.

Just go half the way and point to a link where they can sign up to learn more, to become a part of your mailing list, have them join your membership site, or to sign up for your online course.

Use Quora Ads

All of the work you’ll do above is organic in nature. You are going to put your blood, sweat, and tears to have people check out what you write, visit your profile (or click on any of those links you paste), and take action.

To make Quora work for your business organically, you’ll be putting in a consistent effort every day.

While you do that, consider using Quora Ads in a combination of the regular effort you put in when you use Quora every day.

Combine the power of Quora Ads with your regular interactions within the Quora community, you get double impact.

Take my Quora Ads course to quickly understand the basics of Quora Ads.

Tell me about your experiences with Quora.


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