How to Automate eCommerce Support

How to automate customer support

Would you like to save time and learn how to eCommerce support? Do you want to build systematic processes, rules, and faster ways to deliver delight (on top of products and services) to your customers? Last month, I just threw away a plane ticket (meaning I didn’t even bother showing up at the airport to … Read more

Better Mental Wellness For Entrepreneurs: 6+Tips

Mental Wellness for entrepreneurs

I didn’t realize that there’s a larger need for better mental wellness for entrepreneurs (includes bloggers, content creators, small business owners, self-employed professionals, and many others). Mental stress is global. Mental illness, stress, and depression is evil and happening as you read this — cutting across geographic boundaries, races, and age. I thought social media … Read more

7 Business Mistakes I Did (That You Shouldn’t Ever Do)

It’s been 14 years since I’ve been in the digital marketing space. I could easily write multiple volumes of my business mistakes. At that time, I’ve done my fair share of mistakes. I lost opportunities, I said “no” to several more opportunities, I didn’t make good use of my assets, my website was barely functional, … Read more

How to Run Facebook Campaigns

Want to run Facebook Campaigns but overwhelmed? Ever looked at the options available for you within your Facebook Ads Manager? It’s bewildering, to say the least. Seasoned pros (me included) often struggle with the ever-changing Frankenstein that the Facebook ads platform could be. If experienced pros could find the Facebook ads platform perplexing, ever imagined … Read more

Quora For Business: How To Get What You Want (& The Double Impact Strategy)

Quora is growing fast, and it’s unique in its own way. Quora is a gentle version of Reddit and it’s much more easier than ever to get some social footprint on Quora today. With over 300+ million daily users, Quora is incredible when it comes to getting you the results you seek. Your results, meanwhile, … Read more

B2B Business: How Not To Be Boring

Note: This is a guest blog post by Victoria Greene — She is a freelance writer and branding consultant. She updates her blog, Victoria Ecommerce, with news on the latest trends in the world of marketing, design, and ecommerce. Victoria has a drive for helping store owners achieve the most from their online presence Running … Read more

Don’t Do The Hustle: Slow Down, Scale Back, Win More

Do the hustle: You’ll read this everywhere. You’ll listen & watch this everywhere. Is it the right thing to do? David Heinemeier Hansson is the co-author of Rework, creator of Ruby on Rails, Founder and CTO of Basecamp. Recently he wrote a compelling piece titled Let’s Bury the Hustle and I couldn’t help but think and … Read more

Building Sales Funnels? Use these Awesome Tools

The reason why you want to spend time building sales funnels is because you need to guide your visitors towards the steps you want them to take. You won’t last a day trying to manage your digital marketing efforts — organic or paid — without the help of the right set of tools to build … Read more