How to Use Adroll With WordPress

Love Adroll? Want to learn how to use Adroll with WordPress? Adroll is a popular tool to help you setup, launch, and manage retargeting campaigns across the web. Since more people now use WordPress, it makes sense to figure out how to use Adroll with WordPress. But,...

How To Spot a Shady PPC Agency From a Mile Away

Ever worked with a shady PPC agency? Or even a shady SEO agency or a content marketing agency? You’ll really do well if you spot them from a mile away. I wrote a LinkedIn post recently about How bad advice can be harmful for your business. This is one of those...

How to Start Retargeting Like a Champ

Every visitor to your site is a result of some action you take or a dollar you spent (actual dollars or perceived value of your time). If you don’t start retargeting, you lose visitors. It hurts to see your efforts wasted. Given then it’s already hard enough to...
7 Ultimate PPC Rules You Don’t Dare Ignore

7 Ultimate PPC Rules You Don’t Dare Ignore

Or digital advertising in general. but…you can’t ignore PPC rules (coz’ they cost you money). Stay with me, this is a long post. You’ll stay because you are wasting your money, time, resources, and yelling at your marketing managers or the agency you...