How do you provide recurring subscription billing without losing sleep, hiring expensive contractors, or getting your hands dirty with code (before it blows up on your face)? 

Just use the WPforms + Stripe Integration

Also, according to the Digital Magazine, 53% of all software revenue will be generated from a subscription model by 2022. 

The Global banking and Finance Review states that more than 70% of business leaders say that subscription business models will be key to their prospects in the years ahead. 

According to DigiDay, 63% of publishers say turning audiences into paying subscribers is a key challenge when creating subscription products.

Meanwhile, All new software entrants and 80% of historical vendors will offer subscription-based business models by 2020

What does all this tell you? Simple. Subscription businesses are here to stay. 

If you are a freelancer, consultant, coach, an individual service provider, a webshop, an agency, or if you sell services, selling your offerings with a recurring model only makes sense. 

Read: Do you provide services? Here is how you How to Create a Client Booking Form In WordPress

Here’s how you Integrate WPForms with Stripe (In 3 easy Steps): 

Get WPForms Plugin + Your Gloves

Stripe is the best online processing solution in the market today (and it’s really easy to start collecting recurring payments for your services, coaching classes, consulting sessions, etc). Setting up with Stripe (if it’s available in your country) is fairly simple and straightforward. I am assuming that you already have a Stripe account. Next thing you need is the WPForms Stripe Addon (Available for their Pro and Ultimate License). 

With WPForms (and their improved UI) you can easily create forms for recurring services or events. You’ll also get to see the recurring payment icon that appears next to any form entry that is now collecting regular payment (along with recurring payment entries look in the WordPress dashboard, so you can continue to manage payments with ease.) 

Learn more about how WPForms work with Stripe 

recurring payments wpforms icons

WPForms has also made it fairly simple now to check out all the important links, Customer ID, transaction ID, Entry ID and more right inside your Interface. 

recurring payments wpforms links

If you already have a WPForms Pro or Ultimate License, you should see the settings for the Add-on. The recurring payment options should be visible right within the form builder (under Payments > Stripe). 

recurring payments wpforms settings

Set up Recurring Payments with WPForms

The settings in the form builder have changed as well, to help make it easier for you while also allowing you to use the“conditional logic” feature within WPForms

wpforms stripe subscription settings

So, now when you create your forms with WPForms with Stripe Integration (Add-on),  you’ll also get to set up conditional logic; setup recurring time periods (days, weeks, months, years); enable you to capture your customer email so Stripe can create a customer profile, and finally set up whether the payments are one-time or recurring payments.

wpforms stripe subscription conditional logic

By using conditional logic, you’ll let your customers choose if they want to start with a one-time payment or a recurring payment. Your conditional logic setting with WPForms will trigger recurring payment functionality when your customer selects that option on your payment form.

Embed WPForms Into WordPress Pages & Posts

Once you’ve: 

You can go ahead and create your WordPress pages where these forms created with WPForms will finally show up. 

In some cases, within your forms, you’ll probably need a way to have your clients or customers upload files (such as logos or other files). 

In that case, 

Read: How to Create a File Upload Form in WordPress (Step by Step) 
Interested in Lead Generation and not Stripe Integrated WordPress forms? 

Read:Lead Generation Forms: 23 Examples That Convert (Like Crazy)

How do you accept payments for your services, coaching sessions, consulting packages, events, classes, etc.? Tell me about it. How do you find the new WPForms and Stripe Integration?

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