Flywheel has been our preferred WordPress Managed Hosting solution for several years now.

The one huge benefit we get right off the bat by choosing specialty WordPress hosting solutions such as Flywheel is that our involvement with anything to do with hosting, WordPress upgrades, and managing WordPress security is absolute hands off.

Flywheel keeps me sane. I don’t have to deal with WordPress core updates, WordPress Malware, hacking attempts on our site, and worry about website uptime anymore.

In short, we just don’t have to care.

Anyone who’s spent time trying to “just get the site up please” will know how much time, effort, and resources Flywheel can save, right out of the box.

But there are more than just that basic reason why Flywheel is incredibly awesome at what it does.

Here are some of those:

Flywheel is an Honest Host

I remember how we were pushed on to the table and screwed over the last time we were hosting our sites on a regular shared hosting solution.

They’d inject vulnerable scripts inside our hosting account and send us a barrage of emails threatening us about those scripts, they’d barely keep the site up (with a ridiculous uptime for the site), and how they’d often push us to buy expensive add-ons.

Flywheel? For one, they’d never screw around with your hosting and your website. Second, they’d never push you to upgrade, pick on extra services such as adding a CDN or other services.

Even if you cross the bandwidth threshold (like traffic and bandwidth that’s allowed on your hosting plan), they’d only write to you to let you know that it’s time to upgrade. While you consider that, it’s not like they’ll slow down your site speed or wipe your website off the face of earth.

They don’t mess around. I love that.

Read the complete review on Flywheel Hosting

Get The Power of Staging

When you log into your WordPress backed and see that you have a few upgrades pending for your theme, plugins, or older themes and plugins (why do you even have those inside there?), what do you do?

Like most people, you’d just click on “upgrade” and the job’s done. It’s a habit. Right?

A month ago, when I clicked on a plugin upgrade (just as millions of us WordPress users do) and the site came crashing down. The only reason why it’s all ok now and we didn’t lose years of work on the fetchprofits blog is because of staging.

Flywheel staging lets you open doors to your own website’s replica (hosted on a staging server, and you wouldn’t even know that) that you can experiment on.

Updating plugins? Upgrading themes and plugins? Changing the design on any of your website pages? Making customization happen? Use the Staging feature of Flywheel and you’ll be thankful for it, eternally.

Flywheel Local

If your business has anything to do with building WordPress sites or designing sites for clients or if you develop multiple WordPress websites for your own business, Flywheel Local — available for free — even without Flywheel hosting gives you the iPhone X equivalent of local WordPress build platform.

It’s a slick local WordPress development application that lets you build WordPress websites on your local computer with simple root SSH access to each individual site you’d ever build.

With Flywheel Local, you a one-click WordPress install feature, flexible local environment features, free SSL certificate that ships out with each new WordPress builds, and more.

You can develop WordPress websites locally (like on your computer), share URLs, get client feedback, make changes and edits to the site, use Local Connect to Flywheel and push your site to a local server, and manage the site from within Flywheel.

Flywheel Blueprints

WordPress developers, designers, and entrepreneurs with multiple WordPress websites usually have a set of chosen plugins and themes that they work with.

For every WordPress website they create, they’d have to individually upload these themes and plugins.

That’s a time suck and it’s a backbreaking job.

I happen to know just how tedious it can be to upload every single plugin and the themes of choice for every single WordPress website setup.

Flywheel Blueprint is a nifty feature that you get with Flywheel Hosting which enables you to create what they call as a “blueprint” — a ready-to-deploy WordPress instance with all your themes and plugins already loaded.

Uploading the same themes and plugins again and again? Say goodbye to that.

What WordPress hosting do you use? Do you use Flywheel hosting? Tell me about it.


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