Connect Facebook Lead Ad Campaigns To Your CRM

Did you know that Facebook Lead Ads can help you get at least 5X more leads at about 85% drop in Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)? But you wouldn’t be able to make any good use of this if you According to Adespresso, Lead Generation ads can be a lead generation monster if you did it … Read more

Top Facebook Ad Budgeting Tips: Save Cash Now

Budgets aren’t infinite. It only helps if you follow a few Facebook ad budgeting tips. Why, you ask? Here’s one of the most frequently asked questions, in multiple variations: “How much do I spend on my Facebook Campaigns? ” “What should be my budget for Facebook campaigns?” “What kind of budget do I allocate for … Read more

Facebook Advertising Guide: Launch Campaigns Like a Pro

Why bother with “another” Facebook Advertising Guide? Because when we spend our own money to run our own campaigns, our insights and perspectives are pure gold. But wait. How big is Facebook advertising, you ask? According to Craig Smith of Expanded Ramblings, there are more than 4 million businesses and individuals using the platform to … Read more