Heard of the video platform Dubb? Ever wondered why use Dubb at all? You have no idea what you are missing out on and there are more reasons than you think. If you are looking for reasons, I got them here for you 👇

By now, you shouldn’t need any convincing at all that video is big, and that the video stats are here to tell you a very compelling story for your business.

But still, let’s take a quick look at what video can do for your business:

According to Wyzowl, here are some video stats that prove ROI of video for your business:

  • More than 94% of marketers claim that using videos helped customers understand their products or services better.
  • 78% of marketers and businesses state that using videos directly helped them grow sales and revenue.
  • 84% of businesses swear by just how effective video is when it comes to generating leads for their businesses.

I won’t go into too many video stats to bore you, but the fact still remains: Video is the next best thing to “you”.

Talking about video, I’ve written about some awesome tools for video prospecting earlier. One of those tools mentioned was Dubb. Let’s take a look at what Dubb is and how it helps you grow your business:

Dubb = Video Hosting + Video-based CRM?

While keeping it dead simple, Dubb manages to help you use videos for sales prospecting, sales management, marketing, and even for things like using videos in various streams within your business — such as email outreach with video, video training, video coaching, and more.

If you had to do this without Dubb, your videos would be hosted elsewhere. You’d then need to collect links for each of those videos and then place them anywhere you normally would. Further, you’d have no idea what’s happening with each of the videos you create.

Sending videos within emails as a part of your email outreach? You’d not know just how effective those videos have been, or how they help you snag deals, or whether or not those videos help you generate revenue.

With Dubb, you have access to:

  • Creating videos (desktop recorder with webcam), or upload other videos from YouTube. Apart from the Desktop App, you also have an iPhone App, an Android App, a Chrome extension, an Microsoft Outlook Add-on, integration with slack, and more.
  • Hosting videos (all your videos stay in one place)
  • Ability to link video assets to CRM-like features such as tasks, deals, connections (contacts), campaigns, automation, and reporting.
  • Streamlining workflows, automation, and also features such as video page templates, landing pages with videos, and more.

Build Muscle for Your Content

How you use Dubb is really up to you, the business run you run, and the case-based need you might have for videos. One of the most powerful uses (apart from using Dubb for sales and marketing) is to use Dubb to also make video content add juice to your existing digital marketing efforts.

As you create videos with Dubb, you’ll also be able to repurpose your videos as follows:

  • Use videos within your blog posts (the best SEO-ish thing you could do, really)
  • Make some specific, high-value videos available for immediate download (or access) and use them as lead magnets (again, linking from within your blog posts). Learn more about how to create effective lead magnets in under 15 minutes or less.
  • Run a full-fledged YouTube Channel by regularly uploading some of the videos you create normally.
  • Launch webinars (Note: use a tool like Demio) and use webinars to generate leads, to build your community, to make sales, and to grow your business
  • Launch Live Streams to further engage your community (Live!). Use tools like ReStream and StreamYard and use several features that those platforms provide to make your live streams work. Need options more tools for Live Streaming? Check out these apps and tools for Live Streaming

Who says content marketing is easy now, eh? But it can be done. There are several individual bloggers who do it.

Make An Impresssion With Videos

If you show up, you make a sale.

When potential customers see you (in flesh), you’ll be able to connect better. Connection is what makes that sale happen (logos, multiple rounds of venture capitalist funding, fancy marketing speak won’t).

You can use Dubb or you can use Hippo Video. Or maybe use nothing more than a simple, privately-listed YouTube video. As long as you make a video and send it out, this goes a long way to bring in the cash to your pocket faster than anything can.

Let’s also not forget just how far you’d be when compared to your competitors, or just how much of a positive (while being as human as you can be, which is reassuringly rare now-a-days) impression a video makes when you present it to your prospects.

Go back and read the post again. Make videos and let there be light.


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