Would you like to generate sales qualified leads or marketing qualified leads at a fraction of the cost? Wouldn’t it be really nice to have a lead generation machine of sorts when it comes to generating leads?

How much better would all this get if you had an automated way to let Facebook do all the heavy-lifting to reach as many potential & qualified people among an audience that you’d choose?

It’s possible to push the limits of “lead generation” with Facebook Lead generation campaigns that make use of Facebook Instant forms which you can integrate with your email marketing platform, marketing automation platform, or your CRM.

Wondering If Facebook Lead Ads work? Hold your breath:

City Bank (The bank in Bangladesh, not the global Citibank) reached a whopping 3.9 million people in Dhaka and Chittagong (approximately 70%) of its target audience and generated over 1000 leads.

Bigo Live reduced its CPI (Cost per Install) by about 33% and boosted app downloads by 49% compared to anything else they ran before. P

Leads Ad campaigns on Facebook are no longer just “campaigns” — they now form a part of a larger ecosystem of ads. You can now include Facebook Instant forms in a few other campaigns and those campaigns don’t necessarily have to be “Lead gen campaigns”.

What that means for you and I is that regardless of the type of campaign you run or the kind of objective you choose, you can still include Lead generating Instant forms in other types of campaigns too such as regular campaigns (optimized for Link clicks or Landing Page Views) or a Facebook Collection campaign you might use for e-commerce.

What are Facebook Lead Ads?

At its simplest, Facebook Lead Ads work when you make an offer and entice your potential customer to first sign up as a lead. When your audience clicks on a Facebook lead generation ad, the ad flips up and shows a form with data automatically pulled in.

This is how Facebook explains it:  

“Unlike other ad types, lead ads include a contact form, called an “instant form,” that lets people show their interest in a product or service by filling out the form with their details and allowing a business to follow up with them.

On your lead ads instant form, you can request email addresses or contact information from people who click on your ad. You can even ask people custom questions. Lead ads can be used to collect sign-ups for newsletters, price estimates, follow-up calls and business information.”

In short, it’s awesome. If you haven’t tried it out yet, you should.

Sign up for my Facebook Ads Management service and I’ll manage your campaign for you, with lead notifications and direct integration with your email service provider like Drip or MailChimp.

Here’s why you should use Facebook Lead Ads Campaigns:

Make Offer. Get leads

Facebook Lead generation campaigns are as simple as they get and it’s a smart way to generate leads for your business.

Since most people don’t buy right away, you’d need to hook them in with an offer (that packs in value) and let them get a taste for your business while simultaneously solve an immediate problem.

Using Lead magnets, you can let users click on your ad, have Facebook populate information on the Instant form, and allow them to subscribe (or download) your lead magnet for free. Instantly.

It’s fast. It’s efficient. It’s cool.

You don’t need Landing pages

When you opt to use Facebook Lead generation ads, you don’t need landing pages for lead generation anymore. Like, you don’t have to use Leadpages or Unbounce or any other landing page builder at all (you’ll still need landing pages for other type of campaigns, though).

Just imagine how many man hours, stress, and time you’d save if you didn’t have to use landing pages at all.

Facebook’s Lead generation ad campaigns are native to Facebook ads in which the ad unit reveals your Instant form (that you’d create in advance for your campaign) with your potential customers’ information pre-filled. Your potential customers can just click on a button, and they get into your email list or CRM.

By not having to use Landing pages, you are potentially looking at several hundred dollars of savings each month.

Forced Simplicity is Good

Simplicity is underrated, even when it comes to Facebook campaigns. The questions you’ll ask depends on your campaign idea, campaign objective, the offer you are making, etc.

Because Facebook Instant forms are supposed to be short (and Instant), you’ll be forced to keep your forms minimalistic. That’s good for business.

Here’s what Facebook recommends:

  • Don’t ask for anything you don’t need
  • Just because you can add form fields and questions doesn’t mean you should.
  • As with any kind of good old conversion principles, less questions means less friction which in turn means higher conversions.
  • Keep Instant forms minimalistic

Facebook Instant forms Integrate with Email Marketing

Facebook provides you with a few CRM integrations natively to connect your CRM or your email marketing autoresponder. Every time someone signs up as a lead, an email autoresponder (trigged due to the event) automatically goes out.

The entire experience of checking out the ad, clicking on it, submitting user information (by the user, pre-filled by Facebook), and the autoresponder triggering to deliver what you offered in the ad is all but a near instantaneous experience.

You can set up your lead generation campaigns in a way that your lead generation machine can work 24/7, every single day with your email marketing doing all the nurturing.

Are you using Facebook Lead generation campaigns yet?

Get access to Facebook Ads Management service and I’ll manage your campaign for you, with lead notifications and direct integration with your email services provider like Drip or MailChimp.


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