Have you ever noticed that when people are looking for a place to eat, they often look at the number of reviews and stars before making their decision?

The more people waiting outside (in a line) outside a resto often makes you want to go there and try the food there.

The more popular an influencer is (be it on Twitter, YouTube, or anywhere else) the more people will want to follow (sometimes, they don’t even know why).

It’s called social proof; the fomo (fear of missing out).

Social proof is rampant and works everywhere. It’s the reason why you do whatever you do.

Bring in the power of influence to do this with your website as well. Your website can utilize the power of social proof to bring in more leads, customers, traffic, or sales.

If you have more reviews on your site than your competitors, then it’s likely that customers will choose to purchase from you. More people visiting your website will make even more visit your website.

If your competitors are doing it already then why not try to do so as well?

This post will cover how to use customer reviews and testimonials on your website to increase conversion rates.

Let’s dig in and talk about how to use social proof in order to increase conversions on your website.

Use social proof apps

Using powerful (and still unassuming) social proof apps like Fomo (aff link: get 50% off your first month) to bring in a small pop-up (usually shows to a side of the screen — like bottom-right, bottom-left, or top-right) that randomly shows up to bring in an element of social proof.

Show off the number of people who were active on your website (today, last week). Or let the world know who just purchased your super membership plan. Maybe you could show off how many subscribers your email list got in the last week?

See where I am going with this?

Yes, you should show off a little. 

Fomo (aff link: get 50% off your first month) provides you with a single line of JavaScript code that you add to the <head> section of your site.

Then, you can integrate with several other apps (including Shopify, ConvertKit, and a few native apps inside Fomo such as Fomo Instant, visitor roundups, and more) to start displaying whatever it is that you want to show. 

Also, get access to fine controls available inside the Fomo app (aff link: get 50% off your first month)] so as to show/hide the widget on certain pages (by using URL pathways as rules), trigger geolocation, show the widget on certain pages (or not).

Further, you can also control the actual messages that show up on the Fomo widget when it displays (like using avatars, cities, countries, maps, and more). 

Use Testimonials on Landing Pages

Whether you use Unbounce, LeadPages, Instapage, or just whip up a landing page with Elementor Landing Page builder, don’t just leave it to the design to do the work for you. 

Add a healthy dose of testimonials to your landing page.

Testimonials are the simplest and the quickest way to get started with Social proof. What do you need to do to get testimonials for your eCommerce store, your service business, your coaching business, for your online courses, or for your membership sites?

Just ask.

Automate the “ask” — by sending out an automatic email (after a purchase or a transaction) with a link to a survey form.

Want to take your testimonials to another level altogether? Try video testimonials.

Some video tools such as Dubb and HippoVideo allow you neat little ways you can gather video testimonials from your recent members, students who partake in your online courses, or eCommerce store buyers.

Name-dropping is Good 

If you’ve been in business for a long time, chances are that you have some sort of relationship with several other businesses. You could have partners or maybe you are a part of a few charters or associations.

Don’t be shy about mentioning those relationships.

Include a word, a video, or some sort of a quote from the other businesses and mention how you are associated with them in some way, such as being a partner or part of an association.

If nothing, maybe you add logos of respective organizations, local charters, companies, or partners (with their permission).

This will show that your company is well-respected among others within the industry and it may help to boost your credibility too.

Put in the Hustle & Earn Mentions

See if there are any low-hanging fruits for you to pick when it comes to earning mentions.

Can you get yourself invited to a podcast? Is it possible for you to associate with a non-competing partner to show up on one of their videos?

Is it possible for you to joinsomeone else on a hosted talk show? How about joining hands with a fellow webinar presenter and co-host the webinar?

Admittedly, this is hard for me to do as well (since I am also camera shy). If you can, however, these are some amazing ways to not only earn some mentions and links (great for SEO backlinks too) but also traffic, credibility, and rising clout.

I wish I could do this. But, can you?

Do it the old fashioned way: one person at a time

Before you scorn at this thought and think that’s “it’s a little too slow, old-fashioned, and won’t work anyway”, you’d be wrong. 

While none of the amazing people (who also happen to be bloggers and entrepreneurs) keep searching endlessly on search terms like “How to Use Social Proof [for anything]”, they do it the old-fashioned way.

Look at how Ryan Biddulph of Blogging From Paradise actually takes the time to connect. He looks out for his people, connects with them as a person, and never fails to help if you have any questions. 

See how Donna Merrill of Donna Merrill Tribe really takes time (and humongous effort) to inspire others and really help them out. 

Then there’s Lisa Sicard of Inspire to Thrive with an amazing story of how she started her business (and there’s been a string of jobs, side hustles, and businesses) in her teens. 

Since we are talking about Social Proof, notice that she worked her way through numerous lists and recognitions such as one of the top Twitter Influencers in 2017, featured on a Search Engine Watch post, quoted on SmallBizTrends, and more. 

I also wrote about a few other individual bloggers who can put several companies to shame. 

I believe every business should follow the lead and put some skin in the game. 

Really connect. Meet real people. Talk about your customers’ stories (or mention others). Get generous. 

What are you doing to make social proof work for your business? 


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