Heard of Mechanic for Shopify? It’s a super app for Shopify Store Automation and it’s astonishing just how some apps worthy of mention just slip by sometimes.

Mechanic by Lightward is a smart and super app, used for development and eCommerce workflow automation platform for Shopify.

Shopify merchants, developers, partners, and agencies of all sizes use Mechanic to automate, create, integrate, and scale.

Shopify partners, Shopify merchants, Shopify eCommerce store owners and managers, and full-fledged Shopify or Shopify Plus agencies use Mechanic to chart out the simplest path for eCommerce workflow automation and custom development of eCommerce stores.

How do you add and manage and add products or product collections? How do you manage tagging and untagging? What do you do when it comes to managing and keeping track of products, inventory, orders, marketing, shipping, fulfilment, and customer support?

How do manage your eCommerce business at all?

There’s the hard way to do it. Then, there’s the Mechanic way to do it — at least as long as you are on Shopify.

Note: Add Mechanic’s built-in muscle with other awesome features of Shopify such as Shopify Flow, Shopify Automate, Shopify Email, and so on and you truly got yourself some super powers.

Sample Automation Tasks for Shopify:

Mechanic isn’t just for Shopify developers and Shopify partners. If you take the time, Shopify merchants can use Mechanic as well.

Use Mechanic to automate Shopify eCommerce store management: Shipping, tracking, fulfillment, alerts, integrations, products, inventory, risk management, eCommerce store cost management, payments, orders, and so much more.

Here are a few examples of Shopify eCommerce store automations:

Ask for Reviews Automatically After Orders are Placed

if your Shopify store gets an average of 50 orders per week (all paid up), can you imagine the pain of having to manually send out individual emails if you wanted to ask for reviews from each of the customers who paid for those orders?

Instead, you could use Mechanic to create a task to ask for reviews automatically, after a 7-day delay after the order is placed.

Mechanic allows you to customize a simple and powerful email that you could send out after each order is placed.

Other relevant tasks:

  • Email Customers with a thank you email (or other follow-up emails) automatically.
  • Auto-invite customers to create accounts on store (if they didn’t).
  • Automatically add relevant tags to new customers.
  • Send automatic PDF invoices
  • Send recurring reminders for unpaid orders.
  • Email customers if a customer doesn’t place new orders.

There are several more tasks you can accomplish with Mechanic, of course.

Manage Order Cancellation

Worried about high-risk orders? Are you worried about tagging and untagging customers as they purchase and cancel orders?

By using Mechanic, automate your order cancellation and management by setting off multiple tasks that’ll allow your Shopify store to go off on an auto-mode with managing cancelled orders on Shopify stores.

For instance, you can:

  • Send follow-up emails after cancellations (check in on customers. Find out why)
  • Auto-cancel orders to enforce order limits (when too many orders of same SKU are placed)
  • Reissue single-use discount codes or coupons to encourage re-purchase.
  • Cancel order fulfillment if orders are refunded.
  • Auto-tag Cancelled Orders
  • Automatically flag and cancel high-risk orders.

Product & Inventory Management

How do you mange products, product SKUs, inventory, out-of-stock products, tagging orders with products, and more?

Mechanic helps you manage several aspects of products management, Inventory management, product bundles, product collections, product meta fields, and more.

Here are a few tasks Mechanic helps you automate:

  • Sync inventory across product variants (offer customization for items, display variants, & more)
  • Maintain collections of new products or automatically create and display “new products” collection (or any collection)
  • Set auto alerts when products hit zero inventory
  • Add (or remove) products to specific sales channels (such as Meta for Business, Store, Facebook or Instagram Shop, Google, and so on).
  • Auto publish new products
  • Tag and alert products that are marked as “out-of-stock”

What kind of magic will you achieve with mechanic and Shopify store automation? How will you change the way you manage and run your Shopify-based eCommerce business?

Tell me all about it on Twitter, LinkedIn, or my LinkedIn Brand page.


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