Landing pages make or break your campaigns. Meanwhile, landing page performance is not a one-time thing.

Whether you use content marketing, blogging, social media, email marketing, or paid advertising (using Facebook or Google or any other platform), landing pages are a crucial part of your campaigns.

Note: Looking for the best landing page builders in the World? Check out Unbounce or Leadpages and you’ll be very happy you did.

Without landing pages, you are set to lose. Given the importance of landing pages then, how do you maximize your conversions? What can you do to make them work better for your campaigns?

Billy has a few tips on Landing page performance today with his insights on at least 10 key components that can help boost conversions.

Billy Lucas is a passionate blogger sharing business tips on behalf of EngageBay. He writes primarily on SEO, social media, CRM, marketing automation and covers the entire gamut of marketing. 

What is a landing page?

A landing page can be your home page, page specifying all your campaigns, list of products, etc. This is the page to which all your ad campaigns and marketing emails will lead to.

Landing pages help create the first impression of your company and are typically found by search engines to find your business.

The primary aim of a landing page, however, is to lead to conversions.  It should ideally be simple, brief and to the point. It also has called to action features which nudge the viewers to interact with you.

Why is it important?

A landing page is the most effective and essential part of any online marketing strategy. It is not just sufficient that it appears attractive, it should also be able to lure visitors into conducting business with you.

On the other hand, it should also not be overloaded with information as it makes it appear unprofessional.

So is there a set of particular essentials that you must have to have the perfect landing page?

The simple answer is no!

This is mainly because various businesses have their own personal strengths which they wish to display. They also target specific audiences based on their markets.

The uniqueness of your page is what sets you apart from your fellow competitors. Therefore it is not possible to just follow one particular layout for eternity and get the best conversion rates.

It requires creativity and constant research and modification to reap the rewards of a good landing page. There are however a few things that are essential to landing pages.

Let us look at these in detail.

The Essentials For Better Landing Page Performance:

1.    A clear goal:

The goal of your landing page will vary based on your business requirement, and this is the place to start the process. Your goal could be as simple as promoting a new product to grow your subscriber list. It can also offer memberships, discounts and package deals.

Once this goal is set, you may go about building your content around it. Do not forget your keywords as you create your content as this is crucial to your online visibility.

Then, verify if the purpose is solved.

Ask yourself if the page answers viewers’ questions, provides solutions to their problems or is lucrative enough for them to divulge their contacts and email addresses with you.

2.    Title and subtitle:

A title is what grabs a reader’s attention even before they click on a link. This is where your interaction with a prospective client begins.

Hence this must be made as attractive and genuine as possible. It should be able to hold their attention and keep them hitched to the content you are offering to them.

Keep your copy simple and precise — a long winding paragraph right at the beginning is sure to turn heads away. You can also add an image, a logo or an interesting font to set off the tone of the page.

Ensure that it is bold, in a big font and is visible to the viewer. Avoid vague titles as this doesn’t provide enough information about your services to the visitor. This can also be misleading and cost you if you are using a pay-per-click ad service.

The subtitle is the next point on the page that catches attention. One may wonder why it is necessary as you already have a title in place. This is technically a choice that is left to you.

If you wish to use a super attractive title that is not entirely clear and wishes to elaborate on the same, this is a great way to do so. Ensure that your subtitle also is not too long and wordy.

In many cases, it is subtitle that holds the attention of the visitor that the title manages to capture.

3.    Visual content:

It is true that a picture speaks a thousand words. This is a very important element that must be a part of the landing page.

However, you must maintain a balance between your text and images. Your images mustn’t be too large and take up an entire page or be minuscule in size.

Also, remember to use relevant images that are catchy and representative in nature. How large you make the picture is left to you depending on the style and format of your page. The pictures must be of good quality and must not be clichés that you pick up out of stock images.

If you are advertising a particular product, try to accommodate its images as this grabs attention to the product as the viewer skims through the page.

However, one point to keep in mind is to not make the page too data heavy. This will cause a delay in the loading time of the page as well as the images. This often turns customers away from websites as the website becomes less user-friendly.

In case you are selling software or creative tools, add screenshots of the product, snippets from user manuals and the likes to advertise the various functionalities. It also gives them a preview of the environment.

5.    An offer they can’t refuse:

The website should show them what an amazing opportunity it is for them to conduct business with you. They should see what they stand to lose if they let go of this opportunity.

This leads to immediate conversions.

Give one time deals or timed offers that could expire on the site. Include testimonials and references from previous customers that prove the legitimacy of your products.

This builds their trust and stimulates good responses from them. Highlight a particular problem or issue that your product helps to solve. With your customer testimonials, this will make your argument more valid and lucrative.

You can also use interactive elements like a simple quiz, a poll or a chatbot. These are highly effective elements that can give the user a great experience as well as provide useful info to them.

6.    The advantages:

The advantages that your product has over others are what get your customers. This must be highlighted on your landing pages.

As you mention the problems it addresses, you must also mention how useful your services are. Not only should you provide a list of advantages, but also try and give a comparison of your product to others in the market.

Take about the ease of use and convenience you provide as well as the costs and other factors to make your deal beneficial and irresistible. Appeal to the emotional side of the viewer as this is a very successful tactic used by many marketers.

Another great strategy is to appeal to the senses such as describing the touch and feel of the product or its appearance and style. Making it as realistic as possible helps to ensure that your customers are not let down and you build a healthy brand image.

7.    Contact details:

This is an irreplaceable part of any landing page. Once you have successfully enticed the viewers with your products and deals, they must be able to reach out to you.

Without proper contact details, the rapport you worked so hard to build will end right there. Adding multiple contact details and channels will ensure that they are able to reach out to you for clarification or discussing business with you.

Providing a physical address, links to your various social media presence and various pages of your own website will make you seem legitimate and trustworthy.

If you have a lack of pace on the page, you can use a hyperlink or a simple pop-up to solve the purpose. Live chats and chatbots are becoming a new trend to provide the same nowadays.

This removes any last traces of hesitation from the viewers.

8.    Call to action:

Conservation from landing pages will depend on your calls to action is based on this single most important factor present on the landing page. This is more important than all the other elements we talked about above. This is the element that should instantly grab the attention of the visitor.

The bigger your calls to action are, the better. Use attractive fonts, colors and add animations to this part of the page. You can use contrasting colors that make it completely different from the rest of the page and stands out.

Your Call to action should compel the viewer to click on it. It must also be positioned on the page in such a way that it cannot be missed by the viewer.

9.    Simplicity:

Though we have focused heavily on making the page as lucrative as possible, it is necessary that you don’t overload the page with information or calls to action.

Keep the language used in the description as simple and easy to understand as possible. Use of flowery language or jargon will only confuse the reader and hence not lead to conversions.

Use mild themes and background colors which are comfortable to the eye. You can also add short videos instead of long paragraphs or a series of screenshots.

10.    Social Proof:

Our age is the age of online communication and social media presence. The presence of your company on social media plays a major role today in the choices made by people when choosing a product.

The number of shares your videos get, subscribers of your channel, tweets about you, number of likes on your post, etc is the social proof you can provide.

Displaying these on your landing page actually convinces people that your products are worthy and of good reputation. It serves as a guarantee that is indirectly offered. The choices made by other people strongly influence the buyer’s choice today.

Using reviews by celebrities, professionals like doctors or scientist, government authorities or other review bodies can also be beneficial.

With these 10 essentials in place, and put together tastefully and stylistically, your landing pages are bound to be a success.

This leads to better conversions, better market base and as a result more revenue.


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