Managed WordPress Hosting: Your Options

There are several WordPress Managed Hosting options today. How do you choose the right one? The hosting service you choose will determine just how successful your digital marketing efforts are going to be. When you want to start a blog or setup a website on WordPress,...

7 WordPress Plugins You Can’t Do Without

If you are reading this, chances are that you use WordPress plugins. I am just taking a random guess since more than 25% of all websites in the world are running on WordPress. But then, your WordPress website can do a lot more than you thought it can. With the right...

WordPress Forms: 8 Solutions To Bank On

WordPress forms are of a huge variety. It starts with with this humble contact form on your WordPress site, and for the simplest of the businesses, that’s all you really ever need. But then, literally any kind of input you ask of your visitors, you need forms of all...