As a long-term WordPress user, Gutenberg will change everything you were used to with WordPress.That includes amazing ways to create Contact Forms With Gutenberg (not including several other form types that you can create).

Upgrade to WordPress 5.0 and you’ll see Gutenberg will come home, knocking on your door. Gutenberg is already here.

Using “blocks” in spite of everything else, using WordPress will be pretty much like using any of the popular WordPress page builders that you might have already used or heard about.

As the community at WordPress puts it,

“The editor will endeavor to create a new page and post building experience that makes writing rich posts effortless, and has “blocks” to make it easy what today might take shortcodes, custom HTML, or “mystery meat” embed discovery.”

Your typical images, audio, video, galleries, tables, widgets, and lists — they’ll all be controlled by blocks, as Eric Karkovac of Envato writes.

This means that how you create, manage, and use WordPress forms will also change.

It’s pertinent then that you quickly learn how to create contact forms with Gutenberg (starting with an obvious ones):

JetForm Builder By Crocoblock

JetFormBuilder was made for a twin effect: make your forms look better than you can ever imagine while packing in ridiculous functionality.

Creating forms with Gutenberg is now easy, thanks to the JetForm builder by the folks at Crocoblock.

The JetForm Builder plugin is quick and easy to use, with a variety of options to help you create forms with Gutenberg.

You can build forms from scratch or customize an existing one by adding field blocks in the JetFormBuilder plugin.

With more than18 different types of field blocks available, take advantage of all sorts of opportunities when building new forms or redesigning old ones: just drag-and-drop them into place using the intuitive user interface.

There are also style managers for customizing form fields according to your needs that can help you to change colors schemes on each individual text box (or field inputs) on your page as well.

With the Pro version of the JetFormBuilder, you get several addons to power your forms even more: save form progress, dynamic auto-address complete, limiting form responses, and even make your forms available on schedule.

Read more about all the magic you could do with the JetFormBuilder

Now, that’s just the JetForm builder. With Crocoblock alone, there’s so much you can do.


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GeneratePress Premium Theme Builder

GeneratePress is already a fantastic, fast, and one of the most functionally gorgeous themes I know of. GeneratePress also comes with a premium theme builder that provides you with a lot of functional (over lots of things), and learning how to create Gutenberg ready contact forms is just one of the several things you could do.

GeneratePress provides you with hundreds of customization controls, professionally designed starter sites and block-based theme building.

If that’s not enough then Premium really takes GeneratePress to the next level by adding an unlimited number of blocks to your site without any additional costs or time investment on your part.


WPforms is easily the most respected, practical, affordable, and versatile WordPress Forms builder in the market.

If you are already using WPForms (or if you are planning to get the popular WordPress form builder), learning how to create contact forms with Gutenberg is easy.

You can now easily add your WpForms from within your Gutenberg editor. Check out the complete documentation for adding WPforms to Gutenberg.

As usual, WPforms helps you create as many forms as you’d like (for various purposes) and also use “advanced” section to add CSS classes to your form(s).

Contact 7 Plugin Gutenberg Block

If you were just up and running with WordPress and did not come around to using any of the dedicated WordPress form builders, chances are that you’d end up using Contact 7 Plugin at least.

Thankfully, the plugin developers released a Gutenberg update for their plugin called the Contact 7 Gutenberb block.

This update lets you use the popular Contact 7 form plugin (now delivered as a block) that you can add from within the Gutenberg Editor.

Divi Is Ready

Built your entire website with Divi (like I did)? You’d be happy to know that Divi is already Gutenberg-ready and has already launched initial support for the Gutenberg editor.

If you had installed the Gutenberg editor plugin and are already using the new editor, you’ll have the option of toggling between Gutenberg, the classic editor, and Divi itself.

Nothing changes for Divi users. In fact, you only have more options now. Build out your forms using the classic editor, the Gutenberg editor, or Divi.

I am sure other WordPress page builders are already working on Gutenberg support as well.

How do you build your WordPress contact forms? Are your contact forms ready for Gutenberg yet?


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