Imagine your average day on LinkedIn: login, check for notifications (if any), comment on others’ posts, comments on conversations flowing thanks to your previous posts, actually write new posts, and more. 

Meanwhile, there’s a ton of unnecessary information on your feed that you’d have to learn to ignore. There’s social flexing that affects you and there’s social toxicity that you must avoid.

You also have that risk of chasing the wrong things: followers, likes, profile views, and many vanity metrics that have everything to do with your ego and nothing to do with your business. 

Read more: 

What Entrepreneurs Get Horribly Wrong? 

Say hello to the Demons In Your Head

This is not good for your business. 

If you aren’t careful, you could lose a day (or worse ‘days’) in there if you don’t know why you are even there in the first place. 

You also need to make LinkedIn work for your business.

More than 810+ professionals — from those seeking jobs to small business owners.

From self-employed professionals to CEOs of large corporations. With more than 57 million businesses on LinkedIn, you can’t ignore it. 

How do you make more impact, get more results, and do more with less on social platforms like LinkedIn?

This is how:

Build Connections. The Right Way

On LinkedIn, don’t do what everyone else does: 

  • Send connection request. 
  • Pitch immediately if the connection request is accepted. 
  • Continue pitching until the cows come home. 

That’s horrible. 

Instead, do this: 

  • Follow brands and people you’d like to connect with, do business with, or people that provide value (you’ll learn).
  • Start commenting on their posts, add value to conversations, and keep the connection alive. 
  • Keep commenting: it’s the single best way to grow your reach, make your presence felt, and get discovered. 
  • Learn how to comment as a LinkedIn company page or brand
  • Pitch when appropriate. 

Use Video for High-intent Conversations & Pitches

Let’s say you are a blogger (like I am). One of the folks in your network sends out a post asking for bloggers. This is your chance. 

They already know you. 

This is the time to send out a quick video you make with Dubb.

Dubb also integrations with LinkedIn — a little icon shows up right where you’d write messages.

How Dubb Integrates with LinkedIn

Alternatively, you can also use Hippo video, loom, or any of the popular video prospecting tools. 

Video changes everything. 


Free Video Tools [That Pack a Punch]

Post Everyday on LinkedIn 

You don’t have to know everything (or anything at all) to post regularly on LinkedIn. 

  • Share your stories.
  • Let the world know what’s happening about your business. Examples: Hiring new people? Welcome them on LinkedIn. Just shifted office? Post pictures of your new office. Share pictures of your work desk. You can share your own photos. 
  • Write out a few lessons you picked up. Shed light on your thoughts, reflections, and opinions on something relevant to your business. 

If you are overwhelmed, just write “native” LinkedIn posts on LinkedIn. Once, per day. 

Here are a few examples: 

Or even simple text-based posts such as this one: 

Don’t think (too much). Avoid sitting there and worrying about how your posts are doing. Just be there. 

Do LinkedIn Live streams

Wondering why you should do live streams at all? Here are at least 65 Irresistible live stream statistics to convince you. 

Nothing puts you out there better than LinkedIn Live does. It’s faster and easier to do live streams than regular videos.

Several ideas are already available as to what you can live stream about on LinkedIn. 

Need some inspiration? See how some people do it: 

Gabe Leal is an author, speaker, and LinkedIn Live expert. Here’s a look at one of his latest LinkedIn Live events

Gillian Whitney is the founder of Easy Peasy Video Coach. Here’s a quick look at one of her recent events: 

Grab some tips on doing live streams.

Get a free account with live streaming software like Restream

You are good to go. 

How are you using LinkedIn? How do you make LinkedIn work for your business?

Share your thoughts on our community page on LinkedIn. Follow me personally on LinkedIn. Or, Follow me on Twitter


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