The trouble with advice and landing page tips specifically? It’s all over the place. I personally know folks who dole out advice on landing pages without ever having built one or even used one.  

So, if you really needed advice, take it from those who make landing pages a part of their life.

Pick landing page tips from real marketers (who put their own money on it all, and not others who just write or talk).

As such, you’d need to test everything with landing pages. But to save you the trouble, you could also learn from true experts who’ve been there and done that.

They aren’t experts just because they know how landing pages work or because they follow the rules to bring in the results. 

They’ve spent a lifetime what regular business owners only do when they have to launch campaigns or what regular marketers do when they have to work for their clients’ campaigns. 

Now, with the new gold rush for landing page design with AI, you truly have no more excuses.

I went looking for landing page heroes and I found them. Here are a few tips on landing pages from landing page experts: 

Create More Landing Pages 

HubSpot’s Marketing Benchmarks Report reveals that companies see a 55% increase in leads when increasing their number of landing pages from 10 to 15. 

Simply put, the more content, offers, and landing pages you create, the more opportunities you have to generate leads for your business.

It makes sense anyway. You’d need multiple landing pages – each page for a specific offer. Now, given than you’d have multiple products, the number of landing pages you’d need only multiplies. 

As Pamela Vaughan of Hubspot recommends: 

  • Invest in a simple, effective, and easy-to-use landing page builder. I highly recommend Unbounce, Instapage, or Leadpages. 
  • Create specific landing pages for every single offer. One offer per landing page. 
  • Tweak existing landing pages (or create new ones) for every product and offer you have. 
  • Create landing pages for various customer personas. 

Want to create Landing pages quick, easy, and efficient while staying connected to the rest of the marketing stack?

Use these:

Unbounce (now comes with AI-driven copy for landing pages, among other new features)

Instapage (also has the new AI Landing page Designer)

LeadPages (Released new AI-driven features for landing pages)

Read More:

34 Great Landing Page Examples You Gotta Save for Your Swipe File

Optimize Landing Pages

Your work with landing pages typically never ends. After you create landing pages (as many as you’d need to), put in the work to optimize landing pages.

Are you targeting the right audience segments (your Ideal customers)? Are you sure that the headline, copy, images, and call-to-action used on each landing page is the best you could come up with?

Using A/B testing and measuring impact with incremental and structured changes is the way to go when you go down the path of optimizing landing pages for results.


Landing Page Optimization: 10 Tips For Increasing Conversions

Best Practices for Designing High Converting Landing Pages

Use Video on Landing Pages 

People respond to emotional cues. Make them happy, sad, excited, vulnerable, or make them fear. Emotions play a huge part in marketing and nothing beats video  (next only to you, in person) to portray those emotions. 

What Makes People Click

Dan Shewan of Wordstream advocates: 

  • Use video as a way to pour life into your offer. 
  • Make the video itself as a part of the offer. 
  • Use videos to provide a glimpse into your actual product. Show how it can be used, for instance. 
  • Disable Autoplay. It’s a no-brainer. 

On that note, you don’t really have to create videos with high-production quality. Simple videos where you share what you know are more than enough. Want a really easy way to create videos? Use the following tools:

Dubb: Create personalized videos for landing pages, sales pitches, outreach, or to just get in touch with your clients or customers.

Hippo Video: Videos help you win and grow your business. Get your prospect’s attention with a comprehensive video engagement platform like Hippo Video and create personalized landing pages with videos.

Read More:

7 Fantastic Tools For Video Prospecting

How to Use Video To Grow Your Business

Online Video: 12 Ways To Amplify Conversions & Engagement

Reduce Friction On Landing Pages 

Way too many marketers and businesses complicate the living pixels out of a landing page. Too many links, unnecessary navigation menus, gigantic social media buttons, redundant links to other pages, too many form fields, or maybe just extra clicks to get somewhere instead of just a click or two.

Friction on landing pages is an enemy of your otherwise straightforward conversion. 

Some of the things you need to remove from your landing pages is evident and it doesn’t require us to go pointing to all sorts of research. 

According to Julie Boswell of DigitalMarketer, remove the following: 

  • Sliders on your landing page, if any. 
  • More than necessary form fields. The lesser, the better. Asking for anything you don’t need is disastrous for your conversions. Read more about what the research has to say about form fields by Shanelle Mullins of ConversionsXL 
  • Social media links 
  • Any other links (except the mandatory ones like Privacy policy) 

Page Speed Matters 

Considering building landing pages? Think twice. You can’t stick with the same old, bloated landing pages and try to make them work for you. Page speed matters today. 

Stay Fast, Or Make Everyone Furious. Google is serious about page speed, and it should have been evident from way back in 2009 with its Let’s Make the Web Faster initiative. 

The importance of page speed is clear, according to ThinkWithGoogle

Page Load Time

Unfortunately, we are all stuck with websites and landing pages that take 8 seconds to 19 seconds to load. The good thing about leading Landing Page builders like Unbounce, Leadpages, and Instapage is that you now get AMP ready landing pages, faster load times for landing pages are more. 

Colin Loughrin of Unbounce has some advice for speeding up landing pages: 

  1. If mobile loading times don’t get much faster, then we can expect more pressure from Google. This could take the form of further changes to indexing or Google Ads, another round of benchmarks, or the addition of new features and tools.
  2. There’s a growing sense of urgency among marketers, and the major players are already moving to improve their loading times. Even if you’re in the small business space, these things tend to have a trickle-down effect. If you don’t work to improve your performance, chances are your competitors will.
  3. As development on AMP continues, the standard will gain new flexibility while maintaining optimal speeds. It’s already overcome early limitations, and it’s likely we’ll see adoption rates accelerate across all industries.

Note on Websites: Move your website hosting to Kinsta, WPEngine, or Flywheel now.

Also, consider checking out Webflow (It changes everything). 

Read More:

WordPress Page Speed Hacks: Tips to Go Blazing Fast

How to Increase Website Speed (+12 Proven Platforms For WordPress)

Stay Compliant With GDPR

Maybe you have everything to do with GDPR. Maybe you don’t. But it comes to affect all of us. One of the most important things to do about GDPR when you are doing marketing (aside from the actual legal aspects of it) is to stay clean, transparent, and respectful of data on visitors, leads, or customers. 

Johnathan Dane, Founder and CEO of KlientBoost, has a few tips:

  • Stay transparent.
  • GDPR isn’t here to throttle you. It’s an opportunity for you to serve better and to protect user data. 
  • There’s money in GDPR too: the actual monetary value of complying to the new EU regulations is 4% of your annual revenue or 2 million euro (whichever is higher).

Do Social Proof, the right way 

Social Proof Examples

You know that people buy with their hearts. Your buyers will need some reassurance that you are trustworthy. That comes from social proof. The trouble is that most people do social proof the wrong way. 

You’d be surprised just how many big name brands screw up with social proof and testimonials. A few, however, do it right. 

Aaron Ordendorff, Editor-in-chief at Shopify and founder of, has several snippets of advice: 

  • Be specific, in context with your actual products and services. Don’t be lame. Don’t be vague. Don’t write like those testimonials mean nothing. 
  • Using testimonials? Remember to show “Rock-solid, it’s-been-done-before, here’s-the-numbers proof.”
  • Keep social proof relevant, detailed, include product or service specific statements, and keep them problem-solution focused. 

Read More:

29 Proven Ways to Use Social Proof to Increase Your Conversions

Copy Makes or Breaks Your Landing Page

Copywriting is truly underrated when it comes to landing pages. Too many business owners and marketers jump right in to write copy that they think will work. Effective copy “talks” to the right audiences, pulls at the heart of your target audience, and makes your visitors take action. 

For that, you’d have to know who your target audience is and how to get into their head. 

Nicolas Scalice — landing page specialist and founder of EarnWorthy —  swears by using quantitative and qualitative research, to begin with. 

In a post at OptinMonster, he writes: 

  • Start with in-depth persona research 
  • Gather feedback from your potential buyers to find the right kind of words to use. 
  • Write like you really talk to people. 

Read More:

700+ Power Words That Will Boost Your Conversions

How do you use landing pages for your business? How critical are landing pages for your business growth?

Tell me all about it on Twitter, LinkedIn, or my LinkedIn Brand page.


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