10 Effective CTA Examples For Inspiration

Calls to action — those are million-dollar buttons. Good calls to action put money into your bank account. In some cases, they are the reason why a landing page converts so much better than others. Or what some businesses are able to grow while others can’t. It’s all about calls to action everywhere — be … Read more

8 Call Tracking Tools Inbound Call Reporting

Do you use Call tracking tools for your business? If not, you should. Here’s why 156 customers called you this month. Without Call Tracking tools, how would you know if the 12 people in your team who received these calls performed well enough? How do you know what happened during those conversations? Did those potential … Read more

How to Make Call to action (CTA) Work

Let’s just say that the Call to action is the hero. It’s the final nudge, the much-needed push, the last mile goodness, and the final torchbearer that completes the work you’ve set out to do. There’s virtually no effort, campaign, and on-ongoing effort today that ever be complete with that call to action. If all … Read more