Facebook Ads Rejected: Here’s a Profitable Workaround

Facebook ads rejected. It’s common, and there could be several reasons why that happened. I have clients who come to us repeatedly with a singular question: “My Facebook ads were rejected. Can you help?” Of course, we can help. Just not in a way you’d expect. I mean, we are not going to take the … Read more

Influencer Marketing: Is It Dead Or Will You Kill it?

The only reason Influencer Marketing exists is that so-called “influencers” have a following and brands need exposure. It’s simple economics, but off late, it’s gone bad. On Instagram, for instance, there’s a big bad world of product promotion  It’s made up, superfluous, and often misleading. It’s transactional, and there’s absolutely no love for customers. I … Read more

WordPress Sucks? No, it Doesn’t. But We Do

WordPress sucks. Partly because we let this happen. WordPress now accounts for 60.8% of the Internet, according to Kinsta. For many users, WordPress is a popular CMS owing to the huge community around the platform, plugins, managed hosting solutions, and thousands of good themes to choose from. WordPress dominates. But you’d often see users getting … Read more

How You Got Your Social Media Strategy Completely Wrong

Chances are that your social media strategy is completely wrong. Social Media lets every business communicate, relate, and build a network of passionate customers. Most businesses, however, are too busy “wasting time” or “resisting it”. You don’t have to like “Social media” to make it work for you, or your business. No one cares whether … Read more

Super Fast WordPress Websites: A Quick Guide

Speed (or the lack of it) kills any chances you might have to glean ROI out of your digital marketing efforts. More than half of web users abandon your website if it takes more than 2 seconds, according to a study by Akamai and Gomez. More than 79% of shoppers will never return to your … Read more

How to Start Retargeting Like a Champ

Every visitor to your site is a result of some action you take or a dollar you spent (actual dollars or perceived value of your time). If you don’t start retargeting, you lose visitors. It hurts to see your efforts wasted. Given then it’s already hard enough to get relevant audience that says: “I can’t … Read more

7 Ultimate PPC Rules You Don’t Dare Ignore

Or digital advertising in general. but…you can’t ignore PPC rules (coz’ they cost you money). Stay with me, this is a long post. You’ll stay because you are wasting your money, time, resources, and yelling at your marketing managers or the agency you just hired. Maybe the issue is with you. It’s with your system. … Read more

Ecommerce Trends You Missed, But Shouldn’t

In the year 2012, If Prestige Marketing’s Infographic is anything to go by – with due thanks to Pablo at Fortune 3 Blog — then ecommerce changes every few weeks or months. For instance, there’s been an increase of 400% in mobile searches between 2011-2012. At least 44% online retailers are investing more in mobile … Read more