How to Start Retargeting Like a Champ

Every visitor to your site is a result of some action you take or a dollar you spent (actual dollars or perceived value of your time). If you don’t start retargeting, you lose visitors. It hurts to see your efforts wasted. Given then it’s already hard enough to...
7 Ultimate PPC Rules You Don’t Dare Ignore

7 Ultimate PPC Rules You Don’t Dare Ignore

Or digital advertising in general. but…you can’t ignore PPC rules (coz’ they cost you money). Stay with me, this is a long post. You’ll stay because you are wasting your money, time, resources, and yelling at your marketing managers or the agency you...
15 Solid Ways To Get Traffic Now

15 Solid Ways To Get Traffic Now

You are an entrepreneur. You had a dream, you had an idea, and you took on this apparently lonely journey to defy odds, make your business work, and leave a legacy if possible. You took the massively daring jump, you are off the cliff now, and you probably got a...
How to SetUp Your Google AdWords Account Right

How to SetUp Your Google AdWords Account Right

Too many Google Adwords accounts are set up to lose cash. They have no structure, no meaning, and are usually a mess. Every time that happens, it’s a hole that continuously drains you off your ad budget. It makes you believe that you are spending for nothing....